Bond Saver Cleaning Checklist

Bond Saver Cleaning Checklist

Bond Saver Cleaning Checklist

 Before handing the keys back to your property, we recommend you check and clean these following items, to help avoid any deductions being made from your bond.


General items in all rooms

œ All personal belongings to be removed

œ Windows including the outside, window sill and the tracks are to be clean, free of dirt and debris

œ All walls and ceilings must be cleaned, streak free and unmarked

 œ Floor must be cleaned, swept and mopped, this includes the skirting boards

œ Doors and door frames to be clean and unmarked

œ Lights and fittings must be cleaned and free of dirt, insects and cobwebs

œ Carpets are to be vacuumed and clean, and if needed must be cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning company

œ Exhaust fans, ceiling fans and air vents to be cleaned throughout the property,

œ All mirrors to be clean and streak free

œ All vertical, curtains and venetians to be cleaned and washed thoroughly

œ All vertical drape chains to be attached and undamaged

œ Air conditioners to be cleaned inside and out, unclogging filters and outside unit

œ Flyscreen's to be cleaned, free of any dirt, dust and cobwebs

œ Cobwebs to be removed, inside and out.



œ Shower, shower screen, shower curtains and tracks should be cleaned, and free of any soap scum, mold or dirt, this includes the grouting

œ Plugs and drains should be clean, clear and free from dirt or blockages

œ Mirrors are to be clean, free of streaks and marks

œ Any and all drawers, cupboards and shelves are to be cleaned

œ The toilet, including bowl, seat and lid are to be thoroughly cleaned

œ The vanity and basin should be clean and clear free of dirt

œ Floor must be cleaned, swept and mopped, this includes the skirting boards

œ Walls are to be cleaned

œ The exhaust fan is to be cleaned

œ There should be no signs of mold in room, including tiles, floor, shower, grouting, ceiling and walls.



œ Oven, grill and griller tray to be cleaned, free of any grease, dirt, debris, food items, baking paper or foil

œ Range hood, including the filters to be cleaned

œ Sink and taps to be cleaned, free of dirt, grime or buildup and streaks.

œ All cupboards and drawers to be cleaned and wiped out, this include the tops and backs of handles

œ Benches to be cleaned, wiped over and free of any dirt, grease or streaks.

œ Splash backs must be clean and free of grease

œ Dishwasher to be clean, inside of door to be cleaned, filter is clean with a rinse cycle completed to ensure no dirt is left behind

œ Exhaust fans must be cleaned and free of dirt and dust



œ Laundry tub to be cleaned, in sink and storage below.

œ Cupboards to be cleaned and wiped. Inside and out.


Outside areas

œ Lawns mowed, gardens weeded, edges trimmed

œ Driveways, carports, any garages or concreted area to be clean, swept and free of any oil stains

œ  No rubbish to be left on premise, this include in house, in gardens. Bins to be emptied.

œ  Garbage bins to be cleaned and washed



œ As per your lease agreement, if you had pets on the property, a professional pest fumigation  and carpet cleaning will need to be undertaken, prior to keys being returned, and a reciept is to be provided.



œ Please ensure that all keys that were given at lease sign are returned. Our office will match these keys and you will be responsible for the cost of having new copies made Or new locks installed, should any be missing.



Please note;

This list does not replace the outgoing inspection, and additional cleaning and repairs may be required, this list is to be used a a guide only.

After you hand your keys back to our office, one of our property managers will conduct the routine inspection within 24-48 hours. Should you wish to attend this inspection, please advise us when you hand your keys back in, on your keys returned to office form. We will then be in contact to arrange a time.

Please be advised that there is no requirement by the agent to allow access back to the property to rectify any issues that may be found at the outgoing inspection, and we may not be able to do this.

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